Have you “Built your Brand” properly?

Here at Elemental Studios we often compare building your brand to modeling the architecture of a building’s infrastructure. Everything depends on a well thought out blueprint, a strong foundation and the ability to build each facet of your marketing in harmony with your businesses growth. In essence…. Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance


So you’ve just finished building a new website….and now you’re expecting the phones to start ringing, for your internet sales to skyrocket and your shipping and fulfillment center to have trouble keeping up… right?


Yes, you just read that correctly…. HOLY TECHNICAL CRAZINESS! While it seems as though there is no possible way you could stand out in such an ever expanding technical ecosystem, we want to assure you that YOU CAN!


By taking advantage of our “Design and Architectural Marketing Model,” Elemental Studios, Inc. can guide you through how to make the most of your marketing through Brand Recognition, Online and Social Platform Development, Video and Analytics, and lastly with our ongoing maintenance and marketing solutions.


We are not just a design firm, we are a Team of Artist, Engineers, Musicians and Dreamers who love what we do and can’t wait to work with you…




The Ultimate WordPress Security Guide – Step by Step (2016)

The Ultimate WordPress Security Guide – Step by Step (2016)

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Improve WordPress Security

While WordPress core software is very secure, and it’s audited regularly by hundreds of developers, there is a lot that can be done to harden your WordPress website.

At WPBeginner, we believe that security is not just about risk elimination. It’s also about risk reduction. As a website owner, there’s a lot that you can do to improve your WordPress security (even if you’re not tech savvy).

We have a number of actionable steps that you can take to improve your WordPress security.

Ready? Let’s get started.

Why Website Security is Important?

A hacked WordPress site can cause serious damage to your business revenue and reputation. Hackers can steal user information, passwords, install malicious software, and can even distribute malware to your users.

Worst, you may find yourself paying ransomware to hackers just to regain access to your website.

Why WordPress Security is Important

In March 2016, Google reported that more than 50 million website users have been warned about a website they’re visiting may contain malware or steal information.

Furthermore, Google blacklists around 20,000 websites for malware and around 50,000 for phishing each week.

If your website is a business, then you need to pay extra attention to your WordPress security.

Similar to how it’s the business owners responsibility to protect their physical store building, as an online business owner it is your responsibility to protect your business website.

Keeping WordPress Updated

Keeping WordPress Updated

WordPress is an open source software which is regularly maintained and updated. By default, WordPress automatically installs minor updates. For major releases, you need to manually initiate the update.

WordPress also comes with thousands of plugins and themes that you can install on your website. These plugins and themes are maintained by third-party developers which regularly release updates as well.

These WordPress updates are crucial for the security and stability of your WordPress site. You need to make sure that your WordPress core, plugins, and theme are up to date.

Strong Passwords and User Permissions

Manage strong passwords

The most common WordPress hacking attempts use stolen passwords. You can make that difficult by using stronger passwords that are unique for your website. Not just for WordPress admin area, but also for FTP accounts, database, WordPress hosting account, and your professional email address.

The top reason why beginners don’t like using strong passwords is because they’re hard to remember. The good thing is you don’t need to remember passwords anymore. You can use a password manager. See our guide on how to manage WordPress passwords.

Another way to reduce the risk is to not give any one access to your WordPress admin account unless you absolutely have to. If you have a large team or guest authors, then make sure that you understand user roles and capabilities in WordPress before you add new user and authors to your WordPress site.


3 Reasons Why You Should Build Your Website With WordPress

3 Reasons Why You Should Build Your Website With WordPress

OCTOBER 15, 2016 by

3-reasons-why-you-should-build-your-website-with-wordpressIf you didn’t already know, WordPress powers more than a quarter of all the websites on the Internet. There’s a reason why and if you are still on the fence, here’s why you want to use WordPress.

Abundance of Help

Because of its popularity, you can find all sorts of help on WordPress. Free discussion forums, tutorials, virtual assistants, and developers. Plenty of people out there providing help or some sort of service related to WordPress.

If you are the DIY-er, that means you are rarely without guidance. If you prefer to outsource, guess what? There are plenty of people who are familiar with it and can work on it for you. This means you don’t have to train them. That is a bonus.

The last thing you want is to pay someone to learn how to use an obscure software. I’ve been there and done that. It kills your momentum and happily gobbles up your profits.

Beyond that, many popular web hosting companies today support WordPress. The more your host understands your software, the better off you are.

Highly Customizable

Apple used to have an iPhone commercial that said, “There’s an app for that”. Well, with WordPress, the same is true. Just about anything you want to do on your site, there’s a plugin for that.

What this means for you. You rarely need to hire people to create custom solutions for you. Bottom line, you spend less creating that solution and you don’t have to maintain it. That again saves you money in the long run.


This is so important. There are many all-in-one services out there. You host with them, use their software. They may even be easier to use. But when you want to migrate after you have outgrown it? Perhaps not so easy.

These services may tell you that your content belongs to you. That may be true, but what they don’t say is, they may not provide the tools to export your content. In short, they try to lock you in. It’s more common than you think.

According to one developer, a client tried to move away from one such service. The site has years of content, both text, and pages. Turns out, the service would only allow her to export textual content, not their images.

Sure, WordPress is not perfect. No system on the planet is. However, it is the right answer for most use cases. That is close to perfect in an imperfect world.

6 Tips to Help Secure Your WooCommerce Website

6 Tips to Help Secure Your WooCommerce Website


Here’s something you already know: keeping your e-commerce secure is a vital part of running your online business. If you don’t keep customer data safe during and after the transaction, they’re much less likely to do business with you again.

But technology, especially security technology, is constantly changing, which can make it hard for business owners to keep up.

Fortunately, you don’t have to be an expert to protect your site—and your customers—if you’re using WooCommerce. There are simple steps that are well worth taking for any WooCommerce site owner.

Even though securing your site is a multi-step process, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming if you follow our simple steps.

1. Use a host that does security leg-work for you

As mentioned above, there are people out there (not you) whose job it is to know the ins-and-outs of security. And many of them work at hosting companies. That’s why a simple and easy way to protect your site is to choose a host that makes security a priority.

When choosing a web host, look for ones that offer:

  • Monthly backups: these will help you get back online fast in the event of an attack.
  • Automatic updates: these help patch security holes as soon as they’re discovered, keeping your data safe.
  • Restoration services: along with backups, these help you get back online in case something goes wrong.

2. Prevent Brute Force Attacks

Still the most common way to break into sites, brute force attacks refers to a simple yet effective method of simply guessing combinations for passwords or security keys until one happens on the correct series of characters.

Fortunately, as the method is relatively simple, there are relatively simple ways you can prevent them.

  • Limit login attempts: Brute force only works if the bad guys (or really their computers) can try and log in millions and millions of times. Fortunately, there are many WP plugins out there that limit those very attempts. For your WooCommerce site, we like: WP Limit Login Attempts and Login Lockdown

  • Use a password manager: Password managers help create incredibly difficult passwords for you, and then automatically enter them when you’re on the appropriate site—provided that you know the master password. It’s a great way to make passwords that even sophisticated attackers will have trouble cracking.
  • Use 2-Factor authentication: 2-factor authentication is another smart way to keep your website safe. With 2-factor authentication, even if bad guys have guessed your username and password, they’ll still have to gain access to another password on another device (typically contained on an SMS sent to a personal cell) to get past the second layer of protection.

3. Get yourself an SSL certificate

Here’s the thing: if you’re accepting credit cards, you need an SSL certificate. They encrypt your customer data—most commonly credit card details—when people send you info over the internet.

4. Always keep a backup

Look, we know we just said choose a host who provides daily backups, and that’s all well and good. But at the end of the day, you have no guarantee that your host will backup daily for you. Only you can guarantee that you’re keeping backups.

That’s why you’ve got to keep your files backed up yourself, too. Backup the backups, if you will!

There’s a good number of WordPress backup plugins that offer this invaluable service (really, don’t skimp on this!)!

5. A.B.U. (Always Be Updating)

Remember above when we talked about how there are smart people whose job it is to know about security? Another good chunk of those people work at places like WordPress, and they’re constantly coming out with new WordPress versions that have fixed previously-undiscovered security holes.

And so when you log in to WooCommerce and you’re prompted to update, you might think, “Ugh, again?” but really, this is for the good of you and your business.

If your web host has automatic updating, you might not have to worry about this. But if it doesn’t, you need to be updating whenever you’re prompted.

6. Let your customers know they’re secure

While it’s one thing to protect your customers (and your business), it’s another thing entirely to let them know that you’ve got their backs.

Why would you want to do this? Because customers who feel safe are more likely to buy and recommend your site to their friends, increasing your bottom line and growing your business.

McAfee SECURE is not only an easy way to increase your website credibility but it also provides a number of other services for premium members including site reviews, diagnostics, sitempas, search highlighting, shopper ID protection and more.


Most of these steps are as easy as installing a plugin on your WooCommerce site. They don’t require a ton of technical knowledge, and it’s beyond worth your time to take an hour or so to get this all done and then get on with what you do best — selling.

How Powerful Will Video Marketing Become?

How Powerful Will Video Marketing Become?


By 2019, consumer internet video traffic will be 80% of all internet traffic across the world. Video will dominate the internet. Video will be the primary medium for how internet users will consume information. Consumers will also demand high definition. For an illustrated look at how powerful video will be, have a look at this infographic created by One Productions.

Video traffic forecast

Video-on-demand traffic will double by 2019 and high definition (HD) will be 70% of this. Social media will be a major driver of video distribution. Facebook and Snapchat are leading this charge.


Consumer attitudes towards video

Consumers are becoming more sophisticated, so producing low quality explainer videos will undermine sales. For videos to connect with their target audience, they need to be:

  • entertaining,
  • informative,
  • inspirational.

For example, almost two in three people say they would share a video if it was informative. More than half of users say they would share a video if it was inspirational.


Video marketing impact on brands

Video will be key to effective marketing strategies and brands who do them well will increase brand engagement. In fact, more than half of all companies are using video in their marketing strategies. Brands who switch from text based display advertising to video advertising have the best chance of converting leads to sales. Especially if this is done on mobile platforms. It is evident when we consider that 18 to 24 year olds spend 36 minutes per week viewing video content on smartphones, the most of all age demographics.

This Millennial generation is set to become the dominant consumer group as Baby Boomers retire in their masses over the next few years. So Millennial generation will become a key consumer group for brands to focus on.


The future of video infographic


SEO And Internet Marketing Basics

SEO And Internet Marketing Basics



Internet Marketing is just a really scary way of saying “Promoting Your Blog To Get More Traffic.”

When you start a new blog it’s unrealistic to expect that you’re going to become a marketing expert or that your blog will be #1 in Google with millions of hits per month. If that’s what you’re thinking, *sigh*…

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

SEO is the practice of getting your blog to rank better in the search engines. There are many types of SEO, from the words in your posts to the way other sites link back to your site, and even making sure that the search engines can find the information on your site.

Search engine companies spend a lot of time making sure that their results are relevant, useful, and accurate. What that means to you is that you need to make your blog’s content relevant, useful, and accurate.

Want a successful blog? Your goal is very simple…

“Become a trusted source of high quality information for your readers.”

Top 3 Ways To Market Your Blog

One of the best things that you can do to show the search engines that your blog is important is to promote yourself. That means getting your blog out there and sharing your posts with other people.

In Content SEO

In content SEO is structuring your posts and using the right words so that the post gets ranked in the search engines. The words we use and how we use them in our blog posts are critical components in our SEO strategy.

Social Media

Social media is here to stay, so if you’re not already active on social media sites, then it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get busy.

Email List Building

You may not think that having an email list is important, but it’s still the best way to share and communicate with your audience and time after time, when it comes to making money with your blog, the money is in the list.  So start building your list now.