Why Dynamic Digital Marketing Teams Need Digital Asset Management

Ref: https://stackla.com

This very minute, there are hundreds of marketers around the world in search of the perfect visual asset to complete their latest digital ad, social post, email campaign, webpage, blog or mobile app.

We’ve all been there: sifting through various internal databases and folders, scouring the internet and social networks for an image that’s relevant and interesting while still having the right composition and not looking “too stock photo-y”.

Unfortunately, this daily struggle is all too real for most of today’s marketers, who are constantly fighting to break through the noise and quickly reach their audiences with the right message, in the right place, at the right time. But it’s nearly impossible to reach people in our “always on” culture without compelling visuals.

Seeing Is Believing

People now have shorter attention spans than goldfish, making images the fastest way to capture, and hopefully hold, their attention. Not only are visuals processed 60,000 times faster than text, but adding an image to a piece of information can significantly help people remember it.  And the data proves just how effective visual content can be:

  • Articles with an image once every 75-100 words receive double the social media shares as articles with fewer images (Buzzsumo)
  • 4x as many consumers would prefer to watch a video about a product than to read about it (Animoto)
  • Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than tweets without images (Buffer Social)
  • Facebook posts with images see 2.3X more engagement than those without images (BuzzSumo)

Since strong visual assets are the foundation of successful marketing campaigns, efficiently sourcing, managing and distributing visual content needs to be a top priority for marketers.

Calming The Content Chaos

Luckily, new, AI-powered digital asset managers (DAMs), like our Stackla Asset Manager, have been designed with the needs of dynamic marketing teams in mind. This new breed of DAMs can help fast-moving teams like yours centralize asset management, improve visibility and collaboration, dynamically distribute content and expand your asset library.

  • Centralize Asset Management – With so much content being produced across your teams and regions on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, DAMs can function as a centralized place to track and store all those visual assets. There are even asset managers, like Stackla, that use visual recognition and AI technology to automatically tag and apply relevant metadata to each asset for quick discovery and usability. Adding to these massive time savings, AI-powered content organization also makes leveraging, reusing and repurposing the best visuals in your library easier than ever.
  • Improve Visibility & Collaboration – Whether you’re creating a social ad or an email campaign, chances are there are multiple people — internal and external — that you need to work with. But if everyone can’t easily find, use and share the same visual assets, it’s going to significantly slow down your productivity. DAMs provide a single source of truth for all your digital assets and enable everyone — from designers and developers to brand managers and digital agencies — to have configurable access to the assets needed, helping to move projects and campaigns forward more smoothly and quickly.
  • Dynamically Distribute Content – Since an image is only as good as it is actionable, DAMs can help you dynamically distribute your visual content seamlessly throughout all your core marketing channels. So, instead of jumping into and out of various platforms and systems in order to publish the same image across your website, Facebook page and digital billboard, you can take all those actions from a single, intuitive platform.
  • Expand Your Asset Library – Beyond simply cataloging and delivering all your digital assets, the Stackla Asset Manager is the only DAM that can help you actively build a rich library of unique and engaging visual assets by allowing you to source authentic user-generated content from across the social web – offering automated rights management workflows to streamline content approvals.

Everyday, modern marketing teams need to rapidly create, share and publish various types of visual content across numerous different channels. With the help of DAMs, digital marketers can centralize their assets, streamlining workflows and distribution while saving time and improving productivity.

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